Adult,  Big Book,  YA

Finish It February Sign Up!

Faye at A Daydreamer’s Thoughts and I decided (very late notice) to host Finish It February. A month-long event in which we will read as many unfinished books and series that we can.
This idea came to us when Faye did her vlog on unfinished reads ( watch her video here) and when I realised that Veronica Rossi’s Into the Still Blue had been published and I still hadn’t read the second book in the trilogy. Thus we decided to throw caution to the wind, throw our review piles out of the metaphorical window, and spend February focussed on reading all of those neglected novels.
When I tweeted about catching up on all my unfinished series, I had a good response from other bloggers. Thus we decided to create #finishitfeb. This blog event will allow other bloggers and readers to join us so that we can all support each other in this endeavour.
To sign up for this fun-filled event, all you need to do is add your link to the linky post below. If you wish to write a sign-up post, we would be incredibly grateful but it is not mandatory to join the event.
Throughout the event Faye and I will be posting weekly updates to let you all know how we are doing with this challenge and add a linky to our posts so that you can all link to your own updates as well.
Lastly, if you need any help remembering what happened in earlier books, we recommend you have a look at the Recaptains (here), an incredible blog which provides summaries for lots of book series.
Aside from all of that, let’s have some fun!
My Goals
I started out thinking that I had four series to finish and that I was behind with one or two more. However, the more I explored my TBR bookcase (yes bookcase!), the more unfinished series I uncovered. On the positive side, this gives me plenty of books to choose from!
My Aim for Finish It February is to finish/get up to date with four series.
the fall
crown of midnight
edge of always
Through the evernight
In to the still blue
ask and answer (chaos walk 2)
reached (matched 3)
rapture (fallen 4)
perfect chem image 3
perfect chem image 2
bitten kingdom
monsters of men (chaos walking 3)
geek girl 2
forever too far
Posted by Caroline

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