Cinderella: The Real story
Jan Butchett, Sara Volger and Omar Aranda (illustrator)
This title is part of Bug Club, the first whole-school reading programme to combine books with an online reading world to teach today’s children to read. In this Year 6 Red A (NC level 5c) fiction short story collection … Forget all the stories you’ve read about good, kind Cinderella – they are just fairy tales! Onceuponatime Town has been buzzing with gossip since Cinderella’s imprisonment for unspeakable crimes. What has she done? Here, D.I. Whiskers and P.C. Scratch present you with their extraordinary case files
This book is really good it’s really quite the opposite of the normal fairy tale you hear. In this version Cinderella is the baddie and the ugly sisters are the goodies! I don’t want to give away that much, but when her master plan fails she gets other fairy tale baddies to help her!
This book is filed into two detective cases. These files contain newspaper articles, letters and a lot more.
Two mice give their insight every now and again and usually they end up scampering away with their tails between their legs.
Verdict: This book is aimed at anybody who enjoys fairy tales with a twist and enjoys books with bright colours. It’s probably aged for kids between 6 to 12 years of age.
Reviewed by Izzy (9)
Publication Date: May 2011
Format: eBook
Reviewer: Izzy (9)
Source: Borrowed
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