

If you spend any time on twitter or reading book blogs you cannot fail to notice the buzz and excitement that is building for Veronica Roth’s Insurgent, the highly anticipated sequel to the award winning and beloved dystopian, Divergent.

For the last week the UK book blogging community has struggled to contain its green eyed monsters. Reluctantly we congratulated our American blogging cousins as they received their gorgeous ARC’s.  Fidgeting in our seats, tapping our fingers on the table, and repeatedly refreshing our emails we waiting impatiently for news of when we would get our mitts on this much coveted continuation.

Then yesterday the lovely people at Harper Collins put us out of our misery and we received the news they have been waiting for … INSERGENT IS COMING and like the dystopian society in which the divergent series is set, UK book bloggers have been divided in to five fractions to promote it’s release on the 1st of May.

Big Book Little Book has been chosen to represent CANDOR

Click on the team #CANDORUK  button or here to visit the blogging base for Team #CANDORUK, where you can discover more about the CANDOR fraction, meet our Fraction brothers and sisters( I urge you to check out their fabulous blogs) and find out the latest team #CANDORUK news.


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