Book Blast: Seeking Her
SEEKING HER is a New Adult contemporary romance novella being published by HarperCollins’ William Morrow Impulse imprint and is a part of Cora Carmack’s Losing It Series. This is Jackson’s side of the story, and it is currently just $.99/£.99!
Michelle Harrison Seventeen-year-old Elliott hasn’t slept properly for six months. Not since the accident that nearly killed him. Now he is afraid to go to sleep. Sometimes he wakes to find himself paralysed, unable to move a muscle, while shadowy…
A Writer’s Role, A Father’s Responsibility
We are delighted to host the latest stop on Jeff Norton‘s blog tour for MetaWars: Freedom Frontier. The thrilling final instalment of the action-packed METAWARS series. With the Guardians and Millennials eliminated, Jonah and Sam are left to fend for…
Bookish Brits: The Book Cake Tag
Daphne, Faye, Debbie and I had a fantastic pre Christmas catch up over tea and cake. While we were there we filmed the Book Cake Tag. The tag originally created by SuddenlyLorna (view her video here) consists of seven cake…
A.G.Howard Alyssa Gardner has been down the rabbit hole and faced the bandersnatch. She saved the life of Jeb, the guy she loves, and escaped the machinations of the disturbingly seductive Morpheus and the vindictive Queen Red. Now all she…
Bookish Brits: Caroline's Confessions
Posted by Caroline.
Bookish Brits Book Club: Let It Snow
The December book choice for the Bookish Brits book club is Let It Snow by Maureen Johnson, John Green and Lauren Myracle. An ill-timed storm on Christmas Eve buries the residents of Gracetown under multiple feet of snow and causes…
Camp Christmas Book Blitz: Guest Post and Giveaway
This is my stop during the book blitz for Camp Christmas by Jk Rock. Camp Christmas is a novella which is part of the Camp Boyfriend series and is free to download on the publisher website! Hannah never meant to…
Blog Tour: Echoes In The Glass
We are delighted to welcome Cheri Lasota as she shares some of her favourite quotes from her newly released contemporary romance, Echoes In The Glass. Finnian bears the scar of an unspeakable crime. McKenna hides the pain of a terrible…
Bookish Brits: Winter Wonderland Book Tag
Posted by Caroline