Uthania Jackson
Follow the adventures of Uthan as he goes on his first holiday and encounters the magic of a world under the sea.
Mum, Uthania, was inspired to write this story after discovering video selfies of Uthan after they came back from their holiday together.
A Lovely Read
This is a really lovely read about a boy who goes on holiday and is told that he will be able to spend some time with turtles. It starts with how excited he is to be going and what he needs to pack and ends with how much he loved his holiday and cannot wait to go back. It’s a simple story that I think many children will like and it’s a good book to have a conversation about holidays and trips out. I can definitely see many children and adults reminiscing about their own journeys that they’ve been on and really enjoyed.
The illustrations are a nice mix of handdrawn and computerized which brings a nice feel to the book overall. It makes it nice and easy to see what is going on as well. I definitely think that the colours jump off the page nicely. The illustrations are very pretty and would definitely appeal to children. I would definitely recommend this book.
Publication Date: March 2019
Format: Paperback
Pages: 18
Genre: Picture Book
Reviewer: Faye
Source: Review Copy
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