TTT: Ten Finished Series I Have YET to Finish
Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme created by the wonderful, list making gurus, The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they publish a new Top Ten list and invite their fellow book bloggers, bloggers and bookworms to join in.
I hate to admit it but this Top Ten post was far too easy to complete. Sadly there are so many amazing books out there (both new and old series) that I just can’t keep up so unfortunately series like the ones below sometimes get left behind, but not forgotten. I still remember them well, and how they made me feel and regardless of how long it takes I will eventually finish them ☺
Fallen Series by Lauren Kate
I started this series when I was on holiday and got through the first 3 books quickly and swiftly. But as soon as my plane landed back home, I got sucked into so many new and shiny covers that I got totally sidetracked. But I have every intention to come back and finish this series as I enjoyed it waaaaay too much.
The White Rabbit Chronicles by Gena Showalter
I fell in love with this series straight away what with me having a huge soft spot for fairytales and all that is a little dark and dangerous. And then in my anxious wait for the sequel I got sidelined and eventually caught up in so many other things, but still something I am determined to come back to.
Divergent by Veronica Roth
Yes I know I am severely sinning with this one but I solemnly swear I will finish it asap just please don’t throw digital rocks at me and don’t shoot an innocent book worm with eyes bigger than her reading stomach >_<
Syrena Legacy by Anna Banks
I’d been itching to read this book and figured since the series was complete it would be nice to be able to start and finish a whole series without having to wait for the sequel to come out. Guess again!!! But will be returning to the depths and mystical blue sea of Anna Banks’ tales.
Inescapable by Amy Bartol
To say I love this series and it’s lovely lovely lovely author is to say not enough, and I have to admit I am incredibly ashamed that I have not managed to finish this particular one. I eagerly devoured all the published books one after the other and whilst I was waiting for the grand finale to become available the inevitable happened. The magpie book blogger’s attention got caught by another equally great read and that was it, totally distracted. I have promised Amy though more reviews and that I will be reading her new series so watch this space because I refuse to leave this one much longer on my kindle shelves!
Mystic City by Theo Lawrence
What can I say. Yet another great story to which I desperately need to hear the ending of but somehow missed it. But not for long. I have not forgotten and determination remains to complete it.
The Selection Series by Kiera Cass
I was totally grabbed by this series and its somewhat unorthodox characters and storyline. The strength of its themes and emotions hit me strongly so how I got distracted is a mystery to me, but like with so many others I simply need to know who the girl picks?! So I will definitely be reading this one to finally tie off that loose end and give my story an ending.
Loved it. Totally and utterly loved this one. I have no excuse. I am a terrible terrible person *bashes head against wall in self punishment*
Dark Heart by Lee Monroe
I stumbled across this series because every time I bought a new book amazon kept suggesting it to me. Having read the synopsis I thought it sounded pretty good and all the positive reviews tipped me over the edge. And in a moment of weakness I bought the whole trilogy. Did I finish it? Nope. But am I going to? Hell yes!!! It’s climbing fast my TBR pile!!!
The Winter Trilogy by Ruth Warburton
This trilogy I discovered because I happened to meet the author at a book signing, and after hearing her talk about her book so passionately I simply had to read it. I did, and I thought it was completely up my street and couldn’ wait for the sequel. Sadly the series was finished long before I realized that the second one had even been released so I have some serious catching up to do but will gladly do so 😀
Needless to say there are plenty more that I could list but think these are enough to make me severely guilty. So instead of prattling on any further, boring yet more and embarrassing myself furthermore I think I’ll go pick up one of these series and polish it off to ease my book heavy conscience!
Posted by Pruedence
Mayfly Day
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One Comment
I really didn’t enjoy Allegiant or The Heir very much, so you’re not missing much there, but you should definitely read the earlier books in the series (if you haven’t already)! The Fallen series and White Rabbit Chronicles both sound quite good, so I will definitely check those out! Unfortunately, I started Under the Never Sky and then started reading a bunch of other books and had to return it to the library. Is it worth going back to?