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Love Books Will Travel: Upcoming Book Events

If you have spent any time visiting us here at Big Book Little Book it couldn’t have escaped your notice that we love attending book events. If you are lucky enough to live in the south, or don’t mind traveling, there are some absolutely fantastic opportunities coming up over the next few months.

Who: Michelle Harrison, Zoe Marriott, L.A.Weatherly, Karen Mahoney, Laura Powell, Ruth Warburton and Thomas Taylor
What: YA Panel Event
What the hosts say: “Roll up! Roll up! Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls, for one day only Foyles will once again be hosting a circus of literary delights to spook even the bravest amongst you.”
Where: The Gallery at Foyles,Charing Cross Road, London
When: Saturday the 4th of August 2-6pm
Tickets: Free, but need to be reserved by emailing

I am so excited to be attending Foyles Summer Scream event this Saturday. Where else can you find this much YA talent, not to mention dozens of salivating book bloggers, all in one room?
I’ve just checked Foyles events page and there are still tickets available!!

Who: Philippa Gregory
What: Book Talk and Signing
What the hosts say: “Join us on the day that The Kingmaker’s Daughter is published as historian and internationally bestselling author Philippa Gregory discusses her books, the history that has inspired them and her prestigious career as a novelist. Philippa will also be reading from her new book and signing copies of it afterwards. We are thrilled that such a well-known and popular author is choosing to spend her publication evening with us and anticipate that this will be a popular and fascinating evening.”
Where: Hosted at Holy Trinity Church, High Street, Guildford, GU1 3RR
When: Thursday 16th August at 7pm
Tickets: £5 / £3 for Waterstones loyalty cardholder, available by calling or visiting the bookshop: Waterstones 171-73 High Street, Guildford, Surrey.

I shall be taking my copy of Changeling along when I meet the queen of historical fiction (do you see what I did there!)
Who: Derek Landy
What: Book talk and Signing
What the hosts say: “This is a brilliant chance for Skullduggery fans to meet this fabulous author. Derek will be talking about his novels, answering questions and signing copies of all of his books”
Where: Hosted at Holy Trinity Church, High Street, Guildford, GU1 3RR
When: Thursday 13th of September 7pm
Tickets: £3 available by calling or visiting the bookshop: Waterstones 171-73 High Street, Guildford, Surrey.

I haven’t read any of Derek’s Skullduggery series yet, but it certainly looks like it would be a fantastic addition to my middle grade collection.

Who: John Boyne
What: Book talk and Signing
What the hosts say: “Acclaimed author John Boyne will be talking about his internationally best selling novel, The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas…”
Where: Hosted at the Guildford store, 171-173 High Street, Guildford, GU1 3RR
When: Tuesday 30th October 7pm
Tickets: £3 available by calling or visiting the bookshop: Waterstones 171-73 High Street, Guildford, Surrey.

I can’t believe that I still haven’t read The Boy in the Stripped Pyjamas. A situation I plan to rectify soon.
Hopefully we will meet some of you at one or more of these amazing events.
Post by Caroline

One Comment

  • Amie Salmon

    Wow thos really are some amazing authors and events coming up.
    I own loads of Philippa Gregory (picked them up at a tablesale) but have yet to read them, I want lots of undistruped time when I start.
    I shall be at Foyles on Saturday!!! 😀 I am so so excited.

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