Early Readers,  Little Book

Because Of Winn Dixie

Kate Dicamillo
Because of Winn-Dixie, a big, ugly, happy dog, 10-year-old Opal learns 10 things about her long-gone mother from her preacher father. Because of Winn-Dixie, Opal makes new friends among the somewhat unusual residents of her new hometown, Naomi, Florida. Because of Winn-Dixie, Opal begins to find her place in the world and let go of some of the sadness left by her mother’s abandonment seven years earlier.
With her newly adopted, goofy pooch at her side, Opal explores her bittersweet world and learns to listen to other people’s lives. This warm and winning book hosts an unforgettable cast of characters, including a librarian who fought off a bear with a copy of War and Peace, an ex-con pet-store clerk who plays sweet music to his animal charges, and the neighborhood “witch,” a nearly blind woman who sees with her heart.

Because of Winn Dixie is mainly about a homeless dog who smiles his heart out.
Winn Dixie is found in a groceries store called Winn Dixie, in Florida. When opal finds out he’s in with a chance of going to the pound, she steps in…
But this is no ordinary dog , Winn Dixie some how manages to help the lonely opal find some friends. By the end of the story the Bald Headed Babies, The preacher, the librarian and others are all drawn together because of Winn Dixie.
But one stormy night something happens which could change Opals life forever and Winn Dixie’s secret is revealed…
I have read this book a thousand times and have had it read to me two thousand times by my Mummy.
Verdict:I love it so much that I even got her to take me to the Winn Dixie store on our holiday to Florida and have my photo taken outside it!
Reviewed by Izzy (9)

Publication Date: August 2005
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
Genre: Animals
Age: Early Readers
Reviewer: Izzy
Source: Own copy
Challenge: None


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