The Incredibly Nosey Cat Flap Pony
Libby Lake
The tiddliest of ponies with wondersome wings was buzzing around examining things…
What would you do if a teensy flying pony busily bustled into your house?
This hilarious, heart-warming story for younger children shows how being incredibly nosey can be a good thing!
A Lighthearted and Fun Read
After hearing the premise of this book, I simply had to give it a read myself and I was incredibly glad that I did. This book is a delightful, fun read about a little pony with wings who flies into a cat flap and starts getting up to a lot of mischief. It follows with the family finally capturing the creature and feeling grateful to get things back under control. But the pony suffers greatly so they try and work out what to do next. The story is a lovely, lighthearted and fun read that rhymes nicely and I know that it will make a lot of children very happy. I can imagine that it would also be really wonderful to imagine what the pony would get up too next. Though be careful, when they’re naughty after this book, they might just blame it on the pesky Incredibly Nosey Cat Flap Pony!
Publication Date: November 2019
Format: Paperback
Pages: 30
Genre: Picture Book
Reviewer: Faye
Source: Review Copy
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