The Dream of the Tortoise
Nyako Nakal
This is the story of a tortoise with very big dreams.
A Wonderful Read
The very first thing that needs to be mentioned is how beautiful the illustrations are in this book. I loved the detail a lot and just thought the whole picture book was absolutely stunning. It was definitely vibrant and is likely to be loved by adults and children alike. Secondly, I really loved this book. The story of a tortoise who just wants to swim but isn’t able to was just such an interesting book to read. I loved how she made friends along the way and how it all unfolded throughout. I especially loved how this book ends and I think it is such a lovely message for children too. Just because there are obstacles in our way, doesn’t mean that our dreams aren’t possible.
I would definitely recommend this book. I have a feeling that a lot of children will love the tortoise, her friends, and the journey that they all take to ensure that the Tortoise can fulfil her dreams!
Publication Date: April 2019
Format: Paperback
Pages: 36
Genre: Picture Book
Reviewer: Faye
Source: Review Copy
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