March 18, 2015

Hey All!
You know how at the end of Finish It February I said that I had another event to announce? This is the announcement!
Spring Clean Your TBR
Once again Caroline and I have teamed up to bring you a fun-filled event!
The aim of Spring Clean Your TBR is to read some of those books on your TBR piles that have been gathering “dust”. Figuratively speaking, of course – we wouldn’t allow our books to get dusty, would we?
It will happen in April and is a month-long event that will be full of exciting things!
As well as the event taking place, we’ll also be holding a Twitter Chat on Friday 17th April. More information on that will come later.
And on top of all of THAT, at the end of the event we are also organising a book swap. There will be one meet-up in London where books can be swapped and drinks can be had. And also the chance to put a list of the books you’re willing to swap up on your blog which you can either swap like for like or have those who want them pay postage. More information will come later for this too.
So… now you know what the event is. Here are some details about what will happen.

Hey All!
You know how at the end of Finish It February I said that I had another event to announce? This is the announcement!
Spring Clean Your TBR
Once again Caroline and I have teamed up to bring you a fun-filled event!
The aim of Spring Clean Your TBR is to read some of those books on your TBR piles that have been gathering “dust”. Figuratively speaking, of course – we wouldn’t allow our books to get dusty, would we?
It will happen in April and is a month-long event that will be full of exciting things!
As well as the event taking place, we’ll also be holding a Twitter Chat on Friday 17th April. More information on that will come later.
And on top of all of THAT, at the end of the event we are also organising a book swap. There will be one meet-up in London where books can be swapped and drinks can be had. And also the chance to put a list of the books you’re willing to swap up on your blog which you can either swap like for like or have those who want them pay postage. More information will come later for this too.
So… now you know what the event is. Here are some details about what will happen.
The Details
- Anyone can enter. You can sign up with your blog, twitter, facebook, google+, pinterest… etc.
- To enter just add your “I’m joining” post to the linky below
- The event will run from 1st April – 30th April
- There will be a chance to make goals but they’re not mandatory
- There will be a chance to do weekly updates but they’re not mandatory
- There will be a twitter chat on Friday 17th April
- You can read ANY book on your TBR but the ones that have been neglected will be better. They can be ARCs, library books, bought books, borrowed books, e-books, audiobooks, manga, graphic novels…
- There will be a book-swap at the end of it all
If, after ALL that information you still have questions, feel free to contact me in the comments or on twitter and I’ll answer them for you.
Aside from that…
Sign up below!
Aside from that…
Sign up below!
Posted by Faye
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