A Medal for Leroy.
Michael Morpurgo
When Michael’s aunt passes away, she leaves behind a letter that will change everything.
It starts with Michael’s grandfather Leroy, a black officer in WWI who charged into a battle zone not once but three times to save wounded men. His fellow soldiers insisted he deserved special commendations for his bravery but because of the racial barriers, he would go unacknowledged. Now it’s up to Michael to change that.
Inspired by the true story of Walter Tull, the first black officer in the British army, award-winning author Michael Morpurgo delivers a richly layered and memorable story of identity, history, and family
I really like this book! A medal for Leroy is about a boy who visits his auntie’s house regularly but does not enjoy his time there. But he does like seeing their Jack Russell Terrier; Jasper. One day his Auntie snowdrop becomes very ill and gives Michael (the boy) some useful information to unlock all the secrets of his past.
It is a very lovely book. One of the best I’ve read in a while (and I’ve read some good books). It always keeps you wanting to read on and has a very good ending
I would recommend it to all my classmates. After reading Tom’s Sausage Lion (see my review here) I have developed a slight addiction for Morpurgo now and have read my third Michael Morpurgo book in a row! I did try reading Books by Michael Morpurgo when I was younger but couldn’t really get into them. Now I’m a bit older I can’t get enough of them!
Verdict: this is a brilliant book I really love it! and I think it’s aimed for kids 9 and up!
Reviewed by Izzy (10)
Publication Date: September 2012
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
Genre: Historical fiction
Reviewer: Izzy (10)
Source: Borrowed
Challenge: British book
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