Waiting for Anya
Michael Morpurgo
It is World War II and Jo stumbles on a dangerous secret: Jewish children are being smuggled away from the Nazis, close to his mountain village in Spain. Now, German soldiers have been stationed at the border. Jo must get word to his friends that the children are trapped. The slightest mistake could cost them their lives.
Waiting for Anya is set in France in world war 2. When Jo’s Dad is sent to war, he is left in charge of the farm. One day when Jo is left in charge of the sheep, a bear pays an unexpected visit. The whole village is distracted enough for Jo to sneek off into the forest where he meets a man who will change the way he thinks forever. Benjamin is a Jew. France is a dangerous place for Jews and Jo must do all he can to defend his new friends and get them safely across the border into Spain. One mistake could cost their lives.
This is the best book I have ever read. This is also the first book I have cried whilst reading, and would have sobbed on end if I could get the tears out. The ending is a very sad one but was good as well. I definitely felt mixed emotions. The very best book I have EVER read.
Verdict: I loooove this book. Best.Book.Ever!
Reviewed by Izzy (10)
Publication Date: November 2012
Format: Paperback
Pages: 192
Genre: Historical fiction, WWII
Reviewer: Izzy (10)
Source: Borrowed
Challenge: British book
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