Karen Ann Hopkins
All I want is my happily-ever-after. That’s all I’ve wanted since meeting Noah Miller. From the day we met, the world has tried to keep Noah and me from being together, but now that I’m carrying his child, no one will be able to tear us apart. Or so I hope. But Noah and I have made some mistakes along the way, and the consequences are impacting the people we love. Worse, there’s a storm on the horizon, and it’s sure to cause serious devastation.
If we can get through this, we’ll finally be Rose & Noah – a family, forever. But first we have to survive the road ahead. And happily-ever-after is a long way off.
I was thrilled when Karen Ann Hopkin’s package arrived in the post with a copy of ‘Forever’ in. I hurriedly finished off the book I was reading and got started. I had thoroughly enjoyed reading Karen’s previous two books in this Trilogy of complicated and forbidden love between Noah an Amish guy and Rose an ‘English’ girl. ‘Temptation’ and ‘Belonging’ had drawn me in and roused my curiosity in a world that is often hidden from the rest of us. We got to see inside the Amish community, see their rules and customs and follow Noah and Rose’s story as they fall hard and fast in love and seek to continue their relationship despite family and community opposition.
Part of the challenge for Noah and Rose is to remain committed to each other despite the odds and even though they are so young. I couldn’t help but root for them as I’d grown to very much like each of them as they dealt with so much along the way including their own doubts from time to time. It’s been good to see them mature as well, from being a bit selfish and childish in their attitudes at the beginning, to growing as people. Karen has developed their characters well and I enjoyed seeing that growth.
‘Forever’ brings a lot of change for Noah and Rose. I don’t want to give too much away but we do already know that Rose is pregnant and that these will be further testing times ahead for them. This is not going to be an easy time for Noah and Rose and yet it’s good to watch them remain steadfastly committed to each other.
There is heartbreak in this story and I want to warn you so you are prepared with the tissues. I wasn’t prepared for what happened and honestly this is the first time in a long time a story has made me sob into my pyjama sleeve! Tragedy changes everyone and often that tragedy causes others to think about their choices and what’s important. I’m glad to say that that having been through a bit of an emotional rollercoaster with this story, there are changes that bring happiness… Whilst the ending is maybe a bit predictable, I’m not sure I’d have coped had it been too different!
I’m glad to have followed Noah and Rose’s story and think that although this is the end of the trilogy, there is enough potential storyline for them that it wouldn’t surprise me to see them pop up again one day…
Verdict: If you like your romance intense and emotional then this will not disappoint!
Publication Date: January 2014
Format: Paperback
Pages: 336
Genre: Romance
Reviewer: Lesley
Source: Provided by author
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