The Suitcase Kid
Jacqueline Wilson
Andrea West’s parents are divorced, and her tiny stuffed rabbit, Radish, seems her only comfort in the world. She must leave the home she loves with the mulberry tree in the front yard and deal with parents who still fight, stepparents, step-siblings, two different bedrooms (neither of which is really hers), loneliness, and an acute longing for the past. Her grades sink, her friends drift away, and she’s not quite sure how to fix any of it. Eventually, though, a new equilibrium begins to settle on her life. Honest and true-to-life, Andy’s story shows that dealing with divorce is never easy.
This is a really good book.
When Andy’s parents split up she doesn’t know who to live with, her mum or her dad!
She decides that she and her Sylvanian family rabbit, Radish will spend a week at each house. But when Carrie (Dad’s partner) announces she’s pregnant, Andy (Andrea) gets to choose the name and boy is that a bad name.
Every day on her way to and from school Andy climbs into a Garden in Lakespur lane, but when she drops Radish down a tree what will she do?
I don’t want to give away too much because you’ll have to read this amazing book.
Verdict: I think this book is for Girls 9 to 13.
Reviewed by Izzy(9)
Publication Date: October 2007
Format: Paperback
Pages: 160
Genre: Contemporary fiction, family
Reviewer: Izzy (9)
Source: Borrowed
Challenge: British book
Publisher: Corgi yearling
Source: Daisy’s library
Format: PB
Reviewer: Izzy
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