Getting To Know…Daisy
Daisy is 12 and has just completed her first year at secondary school. She likes all types of music, especially jazz, and she plays the piano. Daisy owns a guinea pig called Patrick and she loves reading. Her parents are more likely to find her with her nose in a book rather than doing something vital like getting dressed in the morning. She loves the ‘How to Train your Dragon’ series by Cressida Cowell and likes other authors such as: Eva Ibottson, Kate Di Camillo, Jacqueline Wilson and Michael Bond.
What have you enjoyed the most about blogging over the past year? Reading books that I wouldn’t usually pick up, the ones I don’t usually go for.
What was your favorite read of the last 12 months?
Probably the Hunger games- A-maz-ing!
What makes the perfect beach/holiday read?
Ooh definitely Jinx by Meg Cabot
What book are you most anticipating reading over the summer?
Slumber Party Wars by Melanie Marks is ready and waiting on my kindle!
Describe your bookshelf/TBR pile.
Pretty much anywhere I can find space. I’m thinking of starting a library! All I can say is I’m glad Kindles store a whole lot of space.
Where is your Favourite place to read?
My bed, definitely, who doesn’t?
What book have you enjoyed sharing with /recommended to your friends?
Ooh that’s a hard one! Probably Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins but lots of people love them already!
Mental note: READ BOOK THREE!!!
A favourite blog/forum/website you would like to recommend to our readers? Why?
I’m still faithful to Big Book Little Book!
And because we ask our visiting authors- Just For Fun
Tea or Coffee? Neither but I guess you’re not asking that…
Slippers or barefoot? Slippers, definatly
Shower or Bath? Showers
Marmite: Love it? Hate it? Love it!
Email or postcard? Email, honestly I’m 21st century!
New Adult Read-a-thon: Update
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