Getting To Know…Pruedence
Pruedence is a fulltime healthcare professional. In her own private environment she’s a book addict. Her drug-books of choice ranges from Young Adult, New Adult, Adult, to the occasional Middlegrade covering a variety of genres.
When not at work she can be found curled up in just about any comfortable location indoors or outdoors with her trusty ipadmini-kindle or paperbook, with Ludovico Einaudi’s classical music playing in the background lulling her into a place free from space and time. And if you look carefully you will also always spot a giant mug of tea within reaching distance so that the least amount of disturbance is brought to her reading by movement.
She is a very firm believer of C.S. Lewis’s saying “You can’t get a cup of tea big enough book long enough to suit me”
What have you enjoyed the most about blogging over the past year?
In all honesty there isn’t just one particular aspect that I’ve enjoyed. It’s all so much fun and adventurous! But if I had to narrow it down I would have to say that I have found the support from the community of bloggers, readers and publishers has been truly wonderful, and has kept me going through fun times and low times.
What was your favorite read of the last 12 months?
Aaaaargh! The most dreaded question by all book lovers and bloggers alike. Do I really have to choose? Really really? Urgh! Fiiiine! Well if I did have to narrow it down to one (from my selection of I don’t know how many) I would probably go for Easy by Tammara Webber. I must have read it every day for about 2 weeks after my first encounter with it. I completely fell in love and now own 2 copies of it ^_^
What makes the perfect beach/holiday read?
Ummmmm if I can turn the pages digitally or in reality and it has a good story I’m good to go :p
What book are you most anticipating reading over the summer?
Well I will be re-exploring (if I ever get the time) most of my old faithful reads. Easy by Tammara Webber will be one of them and I’m hoping to re-read the Inescapable series by Amy Bartol too. But the one I am anxiously and nail bitingly itching to read as soon as it is published, has got to be Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout! Those deliciously aggravating aliens are doing my head in I just NEED to know what happens next!!!
Describe your bookshelf/TBR pile.
Well I’m a book worm or more accurately I’m a library mouse and my TBR is forever growing and I am finally starting to accept the concept that it will never disappear. Diminish yes, vanish no. I’d say it’s about spread fifty fifty between my faithful kindle and book shelves. What can I say a girl has to be book smart and always have a back up lol
I have no say in the kindle stacking 🙁 But at home I lack space on the shelves to let my true inner OCD book freak escape. So instead they’re shelved from all time favourites and reads that I got to time and time again. To the more recent and still unexplored books awaiting to be devoured.
How do you make time to read?
You mean aside from plotting and attempting to devise a machine that will add hours to the day? Or trying to finally invent time travel? :p
I always make time to read. Reading is a means of escape, adventure and leading a life in someone else’s shoes for even just a few minutes. And who doesn’t want to escape their own life almost everyday lol So be it in the late hours of the night, in garden soaking up some now finally present sun or just a few minutes on my lunch break at work I always make time 🙂
Where is your Favourite place to read?
Curled up under a blanket, with the biggest cup of tea you have ever seen, with a roaring fire. The rest of the world could fall into chaos and I wouldn’t notice. Unless books stopped being written. Then I would definitely notice. And then the chaos would look tame compared to a book deprived book worm. Just saying :p
A favourite blog/forum/website you would like to recommend to our readers? Why?
There are a lot of reader blogs and forums around but one of my favourite haunts has got to be Read and Repeat(Click here to see for yourself). The lovely Kerrie who runs it, is always honest and refreshing in her choices and opinions. She is also the source of suggestion of some of my now most favourite reads such as Easy by Tammara Webber and Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry
And because we ask our visiting authors- Just For Fun
Tea or Coffee?
Tea all the way! In the biggest mug you can find!!!!
Slippers or barefoot?
Ummmm why would I care what I have on my feet. I’ll be reading so my feet should be up :p But seeing as you asked: slippers. Big
fluffy comfy slippers!
Shower or Bath?
Bath. With candles, and music and the most important thing of all an amazing book to read. Oh and dead bolt on the door so that I cannot be disturbed. Ever.
Marmite: Love it? Hate it?
Love it!!! As long as it doesn’t end up on my books.
Email or postcard?
Postcard :p
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