The Runaway Bunny
Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd (illustrator)
“If you run away, I will run after you.
For you are my little bunny”
With warmth, love and understanding, a mother bunny tells her baby bunny how she will find him should he run away.
When this book arrived I was excited to read it! Purely from the recommendation from Emma Thompson on the front cover. I thought if the modern day ‘Ghost’ writer for Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit loves this book on bunnies, well who will I be to argue?
It’s a beautiful picture book, and the mix of Clement Hurd’s illustrations between colour and black and white is actually quite refreshing (for an old book!). I love how some are so stunning they have been left to be enjoyed in their own right with the text on the previous page. The colour pictures are vivid and clear and you can see how they have stood the test of time so are deserving of a reprint 70 years on! There is also an essence of ‘spot the bunny’ in each scene which reminded me of the 70s rabbit/hare treasure hunt book by Kit Williams Masquerade. Finding these clever mummy and baby bunny hidden and merged into each detailed drawing or picture.
These pictures are lovingly created and inspired by the beautiful short and sweet tale of Mummy Bunny showing her Baby Bunny how no matter how far he runs away and how he tries to cleverly hide she will find him (in a maternal loving way, not an evil General Woundwort of Watership Down hunt you down to get you way!). We are taken through a whimsical journey into gardens, up mountains, across seas, to the circus and into a Little Boy’s house. All until Baby Bunny realises he’s never going to shake off Mummy Bunny so is best off staying at home with her.
When we read this book, it’s really hard as a Mummy to not kiss and snuggle after each scenario! And also reminds me of the Big and Little Nutbrown Hare’s in Guess How Much I Love You! With parents winning of course in the cleverness competition of out doing your offspring!
Verdict: I cannot dispute the golden badge on the cover, it is a an ‘Essential Picture Book Classic’, perfect for Guess How Much I Love you fans and I’d say that the black and white pictures would also be great for babies to enjoy as well as toddlers! 7/10
Reviewed by Sam
Publication Date: January 2013
Format: Paperbackk
Pages: 32
Genre: Classic, Animals
Reviewer: Sam
Source: Provided by publisher
Challenge: None
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One Comment
So many similar books with the same thread, but this is a good one.
Love the effort gone into the illustrations.