Hang in There Bozo: The Ruby Redfort Emergency Survival Guide for Some Tricky Predicaments
Lauren child
Ruby Redfort: secret agent, detective, thirteen-year-old kid.
And now…survival expert.
It’s not always possible to skip around smelling roses, ’cos sometimes you’re too busy gripping onto the cliff edge by your fingernails. But 99 times out of 100 it’s worth hanging in there bozo: just as things can get worse so too can they get a whole lot better.
In this handy pocket-sized book, Ruby will give you the lowdown on how to survive a bunch of tricky situations. So long as you keep a cool head, buster, you can make it out of there alive…
This book is great for any girl that’s always wanted to be a spy, superhero or even just live in the wild. Lauren Child has packed this book full of survival tips and tricks. Ruby talks (in American English) about times when she’s used Spectrum (her spy agency) gadgets and normal things to help her survive; for example ‘the buckle’. If you’re stranded in the middle of the ocean, just put the breathing buckle in between your teeth and you can breathe under water. Helpful, huh? Or …how to survive in the desert and how to get out of a dull conversation with a boring person.
Find out how Ruby has faced these dangers and got out of them alive and how you can stay out of them. My mum got this on kindle for 79p on World Book Day. It was great value for money. Out of ten I would rate it ten because I’m an adventurous girl, but I still think even girly girls might like it and maybe even some boys may like it! I think it’s probably for 7 to 15 year olds.
Verdict: I love this book and I think every one should have a copy!
Reviewed by Izzy (8)
Publication Date: February 2013
Format: eBook
Pages: 128
Genre: Survival
Reviewer: Izzy (8)
Source: Own Copy
Challenge: British book
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