Alison's 2012 review
What has been your favourite read of 2012?
I normally hate being asked what my favourite book is, there are just too many good ones out there to choose from. But for once I can definitely answer this question with just the one book. Throne of Glass’ by Sarah J Maas was a total stand out to me. So much so that I’ve read it three times this year.
Which book have you most enjoyed reading with your children in 2012?
This one I have to answer with two books. I have one girl aged 7 and a boy who will be 5 over Christmas. Long gone are the days where I could read the same book to them both. With my daughter the favourite has to be The Beginning by Lemony Snicket. I’ve adored A Series of Unfortunate Events for years and to see her grow to love them too has been pretty special. With my son I’ll go for George’s Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl. He is a typically boisterous boy who is never still for more than a minute. One afternoon we snuggled down and read the whole book, he was utterly transfixed. It was amazing to see him finally find a story he could immerse himself in.
What have you enjoyed most about book reviewing/blogging in 2012?
The chance to rave about the books I love! I’m really lucky that I get to do this a lot of work, but I can only do that so much before staff and students alike start rolling their eyes. On the blog I get to gush as much, or as little as I like. I’ve also enjoyed the opportunity to read books that I might not otherwise of heard of or read.
What was your favourite book related event of 2012?
I’m very lucky to work at a school that can bring in a lot of authors to work with students, though I prefer the events that I don’t have to organise myself. My favourite this year has probably been when Andy Briggs came to visit. He really engaged with students and we had a lot of students come and take books out who really weren’t interested in reading before. He also inspired some students to write. It’s what it’s all about really!
What book are you most looking forward to reading in 2013?
The one that I’m looking forward to the most is probably Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes. I’m definitely in the mood for fantasy books and this looks fantastic and has had loads of rave reviews. Some trilogies that I have really enjoyed are coming to an end this year, so although I can’t wait to read those books, the feeling is bittersweet as it means leaving these worlds behind.
Alison’s favourite read of 2012(Click on the title to read more)
Throne Of Glass by Sarah J Maas
Post by Alison
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