Something Beginning With Blue
Sally Symes and Nick Sharratt(illustrator)
I spy with my little eye, something beginning with blue… and green… and grey. Peep through the holes and follow the clues – can you guess what’s hiding in there?
This book came home to us, along with two or three others, from preschool in a little cloth bag to encourage reading at home. Thankfully, we don’t need too much encouragement around here and we plunged right in!
This particular one has turned out to be a favourite. It’s based on ‘I spy’ which I’ve already played in the car on a bazillion occasions with my older two, often turning out to be highly annoying as my eldest son would always think of the abstract and come up with things like ‘smudge’ ‘look! It’s right there on the window, can’t you see?’ Humph.
Well, now I get to start again with my younger two, using the far simpler method of colours, which is already a game we play in the car. The book is great fun and uses the game’s phrase ‘I spy with my little eye, something beginning with…’ then has a colour. There is a nice little rhyme to help you guess and you can look through the peep holes which are the eyes of each figure to see the colour then turn the page and find out what it is.
Josh has pretty much learnt the text off by heart and shouts out the answer before we turn the page, and Samuel is enjoying learning his colours and various animals and other things and loves the ‘surprise’ when we turn the page.
The illustrations are bright and colourful and appealing to toddlers and the simple rhyming text is great for Josh who ‘wants to read all by myself’ quite a bit these days.
A lovely book, fun and appealing.
Reviewed by Lesley
Publication Date: September 2010
Format: Hardback
Pages: 32
Genre: Picture book
Reviewer: Lesley
Source: Own Copy
Challenge: British Book
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