Grandma Bendy
Izy Penguin
Grandma Bendy is the bendiest grandma.
She has twizzly arms and super stretchy legs!
In the past Grandma Bendy used her skills for bad and was an excellent burglar. When her own house is burgled she realises how unhappy she makes people and gives herself up.
Many years later, when Grandma Bendy is released form a bendy-proof prison, she discovers that no one really likes her. However one day her neighbour has locked her keys in the house and Grandma Bendy is able to come to the rescue and reach in through the letterbox.
She realises that she can use her skills for good and to help other people
We really enjoyed this book – that is me and my two girls (4 and 2 years) – Grandma Bendy kept our attention all the way through. It has bright, colourful illustrations with lots too look at. We particularly liked seeing where Grandma Bendy’s arms were going next!
The story is about Grandma Bendy, the bendiest Grandma in the world! She begins by using her bendiness for bad! She becomes a burglar, but is caught and put in prison and once she comes out she decides not to use her bendy powers any more until she realises she can use them for good. She sets about helping people and makes them, and herself very happy. This was a great morality tale.
It provided us lots to talk about, initially to understand the story (going to prison wasn’t something we had talked about before!) and then about good and bad and choosing how we behave. This is great for discussing choices and consequences in a very non-judgemental way, rather than in that heat of the moment kind of way that it usually seems to happen!
Verdict: This isn’t a book we have read and re-read lots of times but it has a story that will last into the next few years and continue to provide a chance to chat about certain moral lessons for a while. I am sure that I will be bringing it out to use it for this from time to time, if not just to enjoy the story!
Reviewed by Helen
Publication Date: May 2012
Format: Paperback
Pages: 32
Genre: Picture Book
Reviewer: Helen
Source: Provided by publisher
Challenge: None
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