Confessions Of Georgia Nicholson: Angus, Thongs and Full Frontal Snogging
Louise Rennison
There are six things very wrong with my life:
1. I have one of those under-the-skin spots that will never come to a head but lurk in a red way for the next two years
2. It is on my nose
3. I have a three-year-old sister who may have peed somewhere in my room.
4. In fourteen days the summer hols will be over and then it will be back to Stalag 14 and Oberfuhrer Frau Simpson and her bunch of sadistic teachers
5. I am very ugly and need to go into an ugly home.
6. I went to a party dressed as a stuffed olive.
This book had me laughing out loud in places, I really enjoyed it. Georgia typifies many a 14 year old girl the dilemma’s about spots, school, parents, parties and above all boys and snogging. Georgia is a great character and she and her friends go through the ups and downs of teenage life. The basic story follows her as she meets Robbie (sex god) and makes plenty of mistakes in chasing him until she finally gets her man!
The story is told through the form of Georgia’s diary, this works really well as it allows for multiple entries on some days and then no entries for a few weeks when life is dull! Getting Georgia’s voice directly also brings in that element of freshness and authenticity. Her vanity and self-centeredness are given a perfect platform and in a diary she can really let herself ago, this makes it very dramatic, after all many 14 year old girls love to exaggerate a little!! It is also clear when she is not being honest with herself and emotions like anger and jealousy shine through.
The best thing about the book is the humour. This is no angsty, introverted teen read, although Georgia definitely has times of hiding under the duvet (particularly when she shaves her eyebrows off!), and being depressed even these times are spiced with comedy as she finds her sister has peed in her bed, or she goes to sleep with her face mask on. Louise Rennison really brings out the funny side of those dilemmas about what to wear, how to talk to a boy and how snoresville parents are! I particularly enjoyed her dilemmas over the kissing lesson and the on-going slating of Lindsay (Robbie’s girlfriend)
Verdict: This was a real giggle, great for early teens and those who might like an amusing jog down memory lane!
Reviewed by Helen
Publication Date: August 2005
Format: Paperback
Pages: 256
Genre: Contemporary romance
Reviewer: Helen
Source: Own copy
Challenge: British Book
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One Comment
Oh my goodness, I’ve been meaning to read this and just never get to it… it sounds hilarious!