Dig Dig Digging
Margaret Mayo and Alex Ayliffe (illustrator)
Diggers are good at dig, dig, digging,scooping up the earth and lifting and tipping.
They make huge holes with their dig, dig, digging.They can work all day.”
Trucks and tractors, fire engines and helicopters-they all like to work hard.
But after a long, happy day of beep-beeping and vroom-vrooming, even the busiest engines need to rest.
We just love this book in our house. And what I particularly love myself is that I bought this book as a large hard back book back in the early 2000’s when my older two boys were toddlers. I remember fondly reading over and over again about all the different vehicles and each page with its little rhyme ending in ‘they can work all day’.
That copy bit the dust a long time ago but here I am again in 2012 and I have a small board book version that I saw in a book shop earlier this year and leapt on with big excitement. ‘Look!!’ I exclaimed to my husband jumping up and down ‘Dig, dig digging’!! Do you remember? Dan? Jack?’ as both my now much older boys looked away and pretended I wasn’t their mother.
So it happily graces our shelves once again giving me warm and fuzzy feelings and I now get to read it with my 3 and almost 2 year olds. Sam who will be two this month and is starting to put sentences together loves joining in with the last bit of the rhyme which repeats on each page. The illustrations are just lovely and my boys have certainly learnt about all the different vehicles from this book from rubbish trucks, dumper trucks, cranes and car transporters.
Verdict: This is a delightful little book. I think a copy belongs on every toddlers bookshelf.
Reviewed by Lesley
Publication Date: 2001
Format: Board book
Pages: 32
Genre: Children’s
Reviewer: Lesley
Source: Own Copy
Challenge: British Book
Whispers Underground
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