Tigger's Arrival
Jacqueline De Carteret
Sarah works at the animal shelter, and Tigger is a rescue cat there.
Sarah wants to take him home to live with her and her family. Will she be allowed to?
He could get up to all sorts, with the other cats. Harley, Midnight and Pumpkin.
Tigger is a real little character and loves having fun.
Come and join him and his friends, and see what they get up to.
All About Those Cats
This is definitely a book for cat lovers as it tells the tale of how a small kitten is re-homed with a family which already has three other cats. It’s an interesting story and should definitely help with children who are adopting cats for the first time or who just enjoy being around cats. Unfortunately, aside from the story of how Tigger arrives at the house and the things that he gets up to, not much else happens in this book so I’m not sure it will entertain every child. But it will definitely entertain those cat lovers and animal lovers for sure.
Publication Date: October 2019
Format: Paperback
Pages: 26
Genre: Picture Book
Reviewer: Faye
Source: Review Copy
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