Whee to the Moon
Arron Charman
Neil is a young boy who likes to scream “whee!” with excitement when he’s at the playground. Neil develops a love of flying. As he gets older, he learns how to fly aircraft that will take him on many different adventures. Even though he is now a grown up, Neil still excitedly screams “whee!” as he gets to fly all the way to the Moon!
An educational read
This is such an informative and entertaining read. It follows the story of Neil Armstrong but not the one where we just know him as an astronaut, but the one that includes how he became an astronaut. It follows him as he is a little boy, all the way until he finally lands on the moon. He dreamt big and continued on working towards his dream until he finally made it. It’s a book that will hopefully help to encourage children to not give up on their dreams as if you work hard, there’s a higher chance they’ll happen. All dreams take work after all.
Add to that a wonderful science aspect and fantastic illustrations and I believe that this is a book that every child should definitely give a read. Definitely recommend!
Publication Date: September 2019
Format: Paperback
Pages: 34
Genre: Picture Book
Reviewer: Faye
Source: Review Copy
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