Happy 4th Birthday Big Book Little Book
Big Book Little Book is FOUR !!In actual fact we turned four yesterday but It sort of crepe up on us a. I can’t quiet believe it that it has been over four years since Big Book Little Book was conceived and our first review went live. Seriously, where has that time gone?!
I don’t think that I can truly express how much being a part of this blog means to me. There have been times over the last four years when I have wondered if it is really worth the time investment, but no matter how busy I am, how hetic life gets, I can’t quiet say goodbye to this project.
When I first helped to co-create this blog it was all about the books. As the years have passed it has become more and more about people.
When you think of a book worm you probably conjure up images of a lone person( yourself?), snuggled away in a quiet corner somewhere absorbed in another world. It isn’t necessarily a hobby that your would consider as being particularly sociable. While I still cherish the solitary activity of reading (even more so in a busy and growing household) the thing that I adore about being a member of the BBLB team is how it is the opposite of solitary.
It is so satisfying to work with such a dynamic team. Although the team is quite fluid with regards to the actual team members and how much time and input each of us are able to provide, we are all united in our passion for the written word. My regular book chats and emails with my fellow BBLB’s really enrich my week
Outside of the team, being a member of BBLB has opened up my world beyond my geographical social circle. It has allowed me to share my passion even further, from passing interactions with fellow bibliophiles via the comments box and social media, through to more meaningful friendships “in real life”. I’ve met and regularly interact with some amazingly creative, passionate and diverse people from all walks of life and from around the globe.
Wether this is your first visit, you are a regular commentator or you are one of my best bookish friends, thank you for being a part of this experience.
Now I’m going to hand over to some of the others as they share the things they love about Big Book Little Book and why they enjoy being a part of the team. I promise I haven’t paid them 😉 *blushes*
Caroline x
I love blogging because it’s great to get lots of people to read books that I know are good and I don’t want others to miss out! Books are an integral part of my life and I love to read so I need to spread the love! Happy birthday Big Book Little Book! Here’s to another bookish year!
My favourite thing about BBLB is that it covers more than one section or genre, there’s something for everyone at any age. I also love the team and how it ranges in ages too. It’s got a great static page that promotes the site well. But mostly I love BBLB because Caroline isGreat to work alongside, she’s incentive, creative and passionate. All brilliant things in a team leader.
Well another Blogaversary has rolled around and it continues to be great to be a part of Big Book Little Book this year. Although I have found getting around to writing has got harder, (why does that happen when you have more time on your hands?!) I have continued to love the mixture of books I have had the chance to read. I still get that thrill out of seeing a book before it is on the shelves in the shops, or electronically whizzing out to us these days. As my children are getting older and we move on from picture books I have loved seeing them delve into books that I adored as child, it reminds you how much good stuff is out there to be looked forward to.
On top of that I was especially excited to see our name get mentioned in The Guardian as one of the top ten book blogs (check out the full list here)
I still remember the original four of us sitting around my kitchen table discussing what we could do and the possibilities, I don’t think any of us imagined it could get that far. So this year I am proud of our achievements and all who have contributed from the original team through the changes to those now faithfully doing a lot more than I am ☺
So it’s BigBookLittleBook’s 4th anniversary and as a member of this lovely team I’ve been asked to write a few lines to explain what I enjoy about book blogging and why. Firstly and foremostly a big WHOOOOOPWHOOOOP!!! I haven’t been with them long but it’s privilege and such an achievement!!! Book blogging and reading are a means of an escape to an alternate reality full of wonderful characters I can pick and choose who to be and whose adventures to follow. But not only that I’ve had the amazing opportunity to meet the minds behind them both old dab hands and new ones grasping their pens for the first time. And it’s all so exciting! But it doesn’t stop there. As if that weren’t enough the blogging community made up of publishers, bloggers, fans and so many more is simply lovely and I’ve made so many new friends (real and fictional :p) who have stuck by me through the good book times and the not so good ones. Brought into this community and supported by our fearless reader errrmmm sorry I mean leader :p Caz, the reasons for which I enjoy book blogging are countless. And now if you don’t mind I have another book or two hundred to read 😉
To celebrate we are giving one international reader the chance to win one book of their choice ( up to the value of £10).
To enter, simply tell us your favourite thing about Big Book Little Book.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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Anj Garcia
Congrats on this huge milestone! More blogging years to come 🙂 I like most the Young adult reviews and the Top Ten Tuesday.
Nia Carnelio
I’m new to your blog, but I did have a look around and Self Published Sundays is quite an amazing feature! Kudos to that you guys and I look forward to reading some amazing posts from all of you. Thank you for this giveaway! 😀
hi, this is actually my first time visiting your blog. After looking at the categories, I like the YA part
Thankyou for the giveaway!
Hi, this is my first time visiting your blog. After looking out at the categories, I like the YA part! I think this is because I love YA so much
Ginger betty
I love the young adult section since thats the genre of books I love the most, the reviews are great and give me some great ideas for my tbr list. The top tens are great for that too! I also really love that it is a british blog!
Zaira F.
I just love the YA section because I read YA the most. Middle books as well because I browse through it to find books for my little brother!
Congrats on the amazing milestone! I love the YA reviews!
Sel B
Yaaaay congrats!!! I’m with the others, I love the YA section!! 🙂
Congrats on 4 years! I love the Young Adult reviews! 🙂
I love the Middle grade book reviews!
Since I have 8 years old niece that absolutely loves to read, I usually check early readers/middle grade posts.
As for me, I’m always in YA section.
Congrats on your 4 years and wishing you many more amazing to come! 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway!