Tom’s Sausage Lion
Michael Morpurgo
No one believes Tom when he says he has seen a lion strolling through the orchard with a string of sausages dangling from its mouth. No one, that is, except Clare, the cleverest girl in Tom’s class. Why does Clare believe him? Because she knows something about Tom’s story that no one else does.
What would you do if you saw a lion and no one believed you?
Tom’s Sausage Lion is a really great story with a really great story line .One day Tom sees a lion carrying a string of sausages. Various things happen and all the loose ends are being tied up in Toms mind but no one believes him except the school geek Claire. She has seen the lion as well and together Tom and Claire will do everything they can to take a picture of the mountain lion.
This book had me so gripped I have started a bit of an obsession for Michael Morpurgo. I would recommend this book to anybody who is aged between 8 and 11. But I do have to say this is a very good book.
Verdict: I really like this book . And everybody should have a copy.
Reviewed by Izzy (10)
Publication Date: August 1999
Format: Paperback
Pages: 80
Genre: Animals
Reviewer: Izzy (10)
Source: Borrowed
Challenge: British book
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