Love Books Will Travel: Oliver Jeffers
What: Book Signing
Who: Oliver Jeffers
Where: Waterstones
O2 Centre
Finchley Rd
When: Tuesday the 12th of June 2012
Why: To promote The Hueys in The New Jumper
The Thing about the Hueys was that they were all the same.
Until the day one of then knitted a nice new jumper…
Having had some public transport issues with some of the more recent events I’ve attended I made sure that we left for the event in plenty of time. Alas, I did not do my research properly and committed the rookie parenting rookie mistake of arriving more than two hours early for the event, at a shopping centre with little entertainment for my small people and I’d forgot to pack my usual survival pack( Colouring book and pencils, stickers and snacks)!
What the centre did have was numerous food venues and I do believe that after consuming a Starbucks Coffee, Some frozen Yogurt and a substantial volume of sushi, I gained a stone in weight form this event alone.The saving grace was Finchley Waterstones. Friendly helpful staff and a child friendly environment ensured that the last hour of our wait was alot smoother than the first! It was very evident while we were their that the children’s department is very much the hub of mother and toddler society in Finchley.
Oliver Jeffers took the time to talk to his waiting fans in addition to signing and doodling in each book! While waiting to meet our favourite picture book author Ava and Seth investigated what else the children’s department had to author while I had a chance to catch up with the gorgeous Rosi From Harper Collins HQ.
While The Sniffing Pug had taken himself off for a walk, I did have the opportunity to meet his fabulous person. I urge you to check out Sniffer’s awesome interview with Oliver Jeffers here and check out the rest of his equally awesome blog.
When It was our turn to meet the man himself I did my usual tongue tied impression of a tomato while my daughter took it all in her stride, posing for pictures and giving Oliver hi five’s!
Verdict: Totally worth the wait! I know that our signed, doodled books will take pride of place on our book shelves!
Post by Caroline (30), Ava (4.5) and Seth (2.5)
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The Book Sniffer / The App Puppy
Was super to meet you! : ) And in teh presence of the Jeffers – seems like a lovely dream!
It was fabulous to meet you and I love your blog!
C x