On My Wish List
November 20, 2011

Title: The Forbidden Game Bind-up: The Hunter; The Chase; The Kill
Author: L. J. Smith
To lose the game is to lose your life in bestselling author L.J. Smith’s THE FORBIDDEN GAME.
To capture the love of Jenny Thorton, Julian–a visitor from a dark world–draws Jenny and her friends into forbidden games; the contest for a human soul. The prize is Jenny’s freedom. The stakes are all of their lives. Jenny’s friends are determined to help her win. But Julian is the master of the Game. Jenny’s most desperate fight will be with him, this eerily handsome boy with electric blue eyes. He knows her deepest secrets, her darkest fears. He has almost infinite power. And the only thing he wants is for Jenny to surrender to him–body and soul.
Before we had Vampires that sparkle and boy wizards there was Point Horror. These three titles by L.J Smith were my absolute favourites in an extensive collection. However, between parental house moves, university and my own marriage the books I’d safely squirrelled away have gone AWOL.
I Loved these books as a teenager, to the point of obsession and I fell head over heels for the character of Julian.I would love to read them again and see if the stories still have the power to grip me.
I love you Edward, Patch, Peeta, Cole and Elder but Julian was my first book boyfriend and as such will always hold a treasured place in my heart and hopefully very soon a space on my bookcase.
Post by Caroline
As book lovers we often find that our eyes are too big for our bookshelves! So once a month we join the ladies at Book Chick City and take part in their meme ON MY WISH LIST, where we post about some of the books we are keen to get our hands on. Whether they be old books, newly released or those yet to be published.

Title: The Forbidden Game Bind-up: The Hunter; The Chase; The Kill
Author: L. J. Smith
To lose the game is to lose your life in bestselling author L.J. Smith’s THE FORBIDDEN GAME.
To capture the love of Jenny Thorton, Julian–a visitor from a dark world–draws Jenny and her friends into forbidden games; the contest for a human soul. The prize is Jenny’s freedom. The stakes are all of their lives. Jenny’s friends are determined to help her win. But Julian is the master of the Game. Jenny’s most desperate fight will be with him, this eerily handsome boy with electric blue eyes. He knows her deepest secrets, her darkest fears. He has almost infinite power. And the only thing he wants is for Jenny to surrender to him–body and soul.
Before we had Vampires that sparkle and boy wizards there was Point Horror. These three titles by L.J Smith were my absolute favourites in an extensive collection. However, between parental house moves, university and my own marriage the books I’d safely squirrelled away have gone AWOL.
I Loved these books as a teenager, to the point of obsession and I fell head over heels for the character of Julian.I would love to read them again and see if the stories still have the power to grip me.
I love you Edward, Patch, Peeta, Cole and Elder but Julian was my first book boyfriend and as such will always hold a treasured place in my heart and hopefully very soon a space on my bookcase.
Post by Caroline
The Long Song
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One Comment
I have all of LJ Smith’s books except for this one. Totally forgot about this series. Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Hope you get another copy soon 🙂