Quiet As A Mouse
Mouse is too quiet to join in all the party fun! How can he find his voice, and make his friends take notice of him?
This book is filled with bright, funny and action packed illustrations, with the added bonus of a cute finger puppet for the reader to get snip snapping with their fingers, and giving a great 3D dimension to the story!
Quiet as a Mouse is the story of a little mouse that is so quiet and timid he keeps getting left out of all the party fun his friends are having.He desperately wants to join in but just can’t get anyone to hear him.
When a big cat threatens to spoil the party fun, Mouse surprises himself as he finds his voice and ‘roars’ the cat away, leaving all his friends in awe of his new found bravery!
This is a brilliant interactive picture book providing great entertainment as well as a ‘feel good’ story about a cute character! The illustrations are bright and colourful promoting great discussions about the actions of the mice on each page.
Verdict: A great, fun book with an interactive finger puppet that is sure to delight adults and children alike as they follow Mouse on his adventure.
Reviewed by Jane
Publication Date: 2008
Format: Hardback with Puppet
Pages: 515/559KB
Genre: Picture Book
Reviewer: Jane
Source: Own Copy
Challenge: N/A
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